Sunday, September 21, 2008

Segovia – the fine food of Spain

Thanks to tomes dad, we discovered a really nice Spanish restaurant. It is located at 5 St Nicholas street in downtown Toronto.

The restaurant is strongly decorated with Spanish flavor, high contract color theme, interesting empty wine bottles, bull-fighting paintings, Spanish china and guns on the wall, etc, which all show slices of the Spanish history.

As for food, they have both main dish and tapas. We ordered tapas so that we can try more varies. Starting with seafood soap, it is a small portion, but full of real good stuff: fish, shrimp, etc. that is a real seafood soup should taste like. You can even taste chef’s love in the dish.

Our second dish is monk fish with saffron flower. I am so surprised the monk fish is very tender and buttery. I can’t really taste the flavor of saffron flower though. I do know it is very important spice in Spanish cooking and very expensive. If you want to read about it :

The third dish is quail. Besides it is tasty, I have no extra thing to say about it. As for paella, it is full of goodies, but the taste is ordinary. I won’t say that is the best one in the restaurant. The flank dessert is not too sweet, nice and fluffy. I love the beautiful red color, I guess it is a raspberry sauce.

Oh, did I mention that their sangria is really tasty too!!

Overall, I love the place and food. At Friday they have performance such as Spanish singers. The price is not too expensive. With all the tapas and 2 glasses of sangria, it costs us less than $80 before tax

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