Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chinese Pie- Pâté chinois

Chinese do not cook pie traditionally. When i first heard of that name, it
was 2007 in montreal. One of my colleage Nicola mentioned it to me and it
purked my interests. (Pâté chinois as a french canadian dish, sound weird, isn't it? ).
But if you know the history of the dish, then you will understand.

Pâté chinois is made of layered ground beef, diced onion, topped with
canned corn for middle layer and mash potato on the top. All ingredient
are found easily and cheap in Canada during the building of north american
railroads in 19th century.

i did not have opportunity to try it until this year 2008 august in
piedmont, quebec. One of my colleage's wife cooked it for me as a
surprise. I really appreciated it ! it tastes nothing like chinese food,
but i love very layer of it. it is such a confi food. The name itself is
more interesting than the actual taste. I am so happy i tried it finally.

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