Saturday, August 30, 2008

Korean Pork Bone Soup

I know I only been away from home for 2 weeks, I already missed Korean Pork Bone
soup. As the convience of living close to little Korean town, I go to Korean
restaurant often in Toronto.

The Korean restaurent I often go to is called KA Chi. It has two locations, one is
in little Korean, the other is in Kensington market. For less than $8, pork bone
soup comes with a bowl of rice and other free small dishes. When it is cooked right,
I love the pork so tender that falling off the bone. The meat is juicy and soaked in
mild spicy soup. Sometimes it comes with potatos, sometimes don’t . But it always
topped with sprouts.

I am so addicated to the pork bone soup, but not the rice. I don,t know what kind of
rice they are using, but it is always too much water and sticky. Maybe it is a
Korean style? I am not sure.

The restaurant is often packed with young Koreans and Chineses. One reason is
because they are cheap food. The raised price a little bit after the expension, but
it is still very good price.

Even I tried to cook it at home with all the Korean ingredients, it just not taste
like in the restaurent. I hope they do not use MSG in the stew, or it will break my

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