Saturday, August 30, 2008

Food on Fire

Many Canadians go to cottage to relax in the summer, especially during
long weekend. My Asian friends think it is a mysterious place since they
have no concept of Cottage. I was luckily invited to a cottage north of
Toronto last week.

The cottage is located at the river bank, surrounded by forest. Besides
canoeing, hiking, fishing, another typical Canadian thing to do at the
cottage is starting your day with beer. We woke up around noon, after a
light lunch all my friends started bathing in the sun with cans of
beer. They drank beer all day and night long.

After the sunset, it is a good time for fishing.I showed my friend how to
clean the fish, which i learned from watching my mom cooking. It is not
as difficult as you thought! Try it, you will enjoy your fish more!

If you want to know how to clean a fish, check it out:

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