Tuesday, December 29, 2009


“Tapas is the name of a wide variety of appetizers, or snacks, in Spanish cuisine. "

The history of Tapas is quite interesting: “According to legend[citation needed], the tapas tradition began when Castile's king, Alfonso X of Castile or Alfonso the Wise, recovered from an illness by drinking wine mixed with small dishes between meals. After regaining his health, the king ordered that taverns were not allowed to serve wine to customers unless the beverage was accompanied by a small snack or tapa. The word became a kind of loophole in the law to allow drinkers to consume alcohol.”


Too bad I don’t speak Spanish, therefore didn’t know what I was eating. I believe most of them are fish; some are raw mixed with spices. The best part is they are small portion, I always feel hungry. Every bite is yummy, try them yourselves!

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