Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ethiopia House

I don’t know really why I am addicted to Ethiopia food. The first time I tried it was about 3 years ago in Toronto and ever since I craves it every week.
Ethiopian cooking is very spicy. In addition to flavoring the food, the spices also help to preserve meat in a country where refrigeration is rare. However the restaurant in Canada has been adapted: not all dishes are spicy. I recommend everyone to try it! Over the years, I tried other Ethiopia restaurant, but this one always has consistent quality.

I normally get veggie and meat combo for two. It includes beef, lamb or chicken, lentils, beans, cheese, etc. The food is slow cooked with savory flavor. All food is served on a large soft sourdough flatbread. My favorite part is the bread soaked with meat sauces. Heavenly!
Don’t ask for forks. No utensils are used as their tradition. And it is great that they encourage peoples try their way in the restaurant. Not like in Chinese restaurant, they gave forks to all non-Asians, even for those who knows how to use chopsticks.

“Ethiopia was under Italian military control for a period (1935–46) when Benito Mussolini (1883–1945) was in power. Except for that time, Ethiopian culture has been influenced very little by other countries.”

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