Sunday, May 17, 2009

Raw Shrimp

I had raw fish for millions of times but not raw shrimp. In Milan a fish aperitivo place I got a chance to try it. When you enter the place, at the left side, there are fresh fishes presented like in fish market. At the center, prepared fish dishes are displace behind the glasses. You choose the fish dish you want then go for pay the bill, which also includes a glass of wine. People stand around and lean against counters to enjoy their meal. It is not really a sit-down restaurant.

I ordered a plate of mixed raw fishes and shrimp on a bed of salads. The shrimps almost translucent and did not have any strong flavor. Not very impressive either. For one plate of fish and one glass of white wine, I paid about 15 Euros. The plate is small portion. For a big eater like me, it is a very light dinner.

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