Monday, May 25, 2009

Sicilian dinner in Rome

I was so lucky to be brought to a nice Sicilian restaurant in Rome. It was my first time had Sicilian cuisine. That dinner made me decided to visit Sicily for my next trip (see my previous posts).

For the starter we had a variety sample of eggplant salads: with orange, olive, or roasted eggplants with almonds. It was amazing they can find so many ways of cooking eggplants and they are very tasty. It was my first time to see orange with peels in a salad. The orange peels refresh the roasted eggplants. I only hope there are not much pesticides on the peel.

For main course my friend had broccoli pasta with bread crumble- Sicilian style. He said that was an exceptional pasta dish. I had a plate of mix-grilled seafood and it was amazing: fresh ingredients, perfectly grilled. That is all you need for a seafood dish.

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